Monday, december 4, 2023

11 leading figures appointed to the Ramsay Santé group's new mission committee

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In December 2022, Ramsay Santé, the European leader in private hospitalisation and primary care, amended its articles of association to become a mission driven company. Having adopted a mission statement: "Improving health through constant innovation" and four social and environmental commitments, the Group is today announcing the creation of a mission committee responsible for ensuring that these commitments are respected. 

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Introduced by the 2019 PACTE law, the status of mission-driven company has been adopted by Ramsay Santé with the ambition of providing concrete evidence of its positive impact towards patients, employees, partners and the planet, based on four social and environmental objectives

  • Promoting access to healthcare for all;
  • Develop medical innovation to offer the best possible care, in particular through scientific and medical research;
  • Systematise dialogue with stakeholders across all territories;
  • Protecting the planet to improve health, in particular through actions to reduce environmental impact.

Adopting the status of a company with a mission enables us to move beyond our purpose towards a reason to act. I am deeply convinced that there is no impact without proof of impact. This commitment doesn't just represent a change in our articles of association, it reflects a profound transformation of our organisation towards greater responsibility and a measurable positive impact.

Pascal Roché, Chief Executive Officer of Ramsay Santé

A mission committee to monitor our commitments 

Appointed by the Group's Board of Directors, the role of this mission committee, which met for the first time on 3 October 2023, is to assess the relevance and impact of the various actions, but also to discuss them whenever necessary

The mission committee is chaired by Martin Vial, Senior Advisor at Montefiore Investment, former CEO of the Agence des participations de l'État, former CEO of the Europ Assistance Group and former CEO and then Chairman of the La Poste Group. 

As Chairman of the Mission Committee, I want to work with the entire Committee to help Ramsay Santé not only to continue, but also to expand its pioneering role in medical innovation and access to care. This committee not only has an advisory role, but also acts as a watchdog to ensure that the Group's mission is translated into concrete, measurable action.

Martin Vial, Chairman of the Mission Committee

The committee's remit:

Under the responsibility of its Chairman, the Committee will issue an annual report to the Board of Directors, which will be audited by an independent third-party body responsible for verifying that the mission has been properly carried out. 

This committee will meet at least two or three times a year and, through the General Secretary, will request meetings, individual or group discussions and visits to establishments to examine certain subjects in greater depth. 

Composition of the Mission Committee: a collective of varied expertise

The Mission Committee is made up of 11 members with complementary backgrounds (technology, innovation, ethics, ecology, economics, etc.). All are driven by an international vision of their profession. Three of them work for the Group, to bring a hands-on perspective to the discussions. 

Each member of the Mission Committee has skills and expertise in one or more of the Group's mission objectives.

Members from outside the Ramsay Santé Group:

  • Annabel Brourhant is the founder and Director of Hope, an association that supports women suffering from cancer. Having been through three breast cancers herself, she is the voice of patients. 
  • Frédéric Collet, a pharmaceutical industry expert, was Managing Director of Novartis France from 2017 to 2022 and was President of the "Les Entreprises du Médicament" (LEEM) trade union from 2019 to 2022.  
  • Margareta Danelius is a doctor by training and Medical Director of Capio Sweden (a Swedish subsidiary of Ramsay Santé).
  • Elsa Godart, a renowned philosopher and psychologist, is a specialist in ethical issues.  
  • Aymeril Hoang, a digital expert and architect of French Tech, was a member of the Covid-19 Scientific Council. He played a central role in the development of the StopCovid monitoring application project. 
  • David Kaczmarek is a digestive and thoracic surgeon at Hôpital privé de la Loire and Chairman of the hospital's Medical Committee. His previous experience gives him an overview of the three types of practice: public, voluntary and private. 
  • Emmanuelle Ledoux is Managing Director of the Institut national de l'économie circulaire (Inec), an influential not-for-profit organisation in the field of resource management. 
  • Agnès de Leersnyder, is Managing Director of Future4Care, a European e-health accelerator committed to the future of healthcare. 
  • Emma Poirret is Director of the Hôpital privé Parly 2 in Le Chesnay-Rocquencourt (78). She has 10 years' experience in hospital management. 
  • Manon Réguer-Petit is Partner and Scientific Director of Agence Phare, which specialises in social impact and public policy evaluation for the State, foundations and not-for-profit organisations.
  • Martin Vial is Chairman of the Mission Committee. During his career as a company director in the services sector, he has developed extensive experience in the support, development and management of major French and European groups.

About Ramsay Santé

Ramsay Santé is the leader in private hospitalisation and primary care in Europe. The Group has 36,000 employees and works with nearly 9,300 practitioners to treat more than 10 million patients per year in its 443 facilities and 5 countries: France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Italy. Ramsay Santé offers almost all medical and surgical specialities in three domains: Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics (MSO), Follow-up Care and Rehabilitation (FCR) and Mental Health.

Legally, Ramsay Santé is a mission-oriented company committed to constantly improving the health of all patients through innovation. Wherever it operates, the Group contributes to public health service missions and the healthcare network. Through its actions and the constant dedication of its teams, Ramsay Santé is committed to ensuring the entire patient care journey, from prevention to follow-up care.

Every year, the group invests over 200 million euros in innovation to support the evolution and diversity of care pathways, in medical, hospital, digital, and administrative aspects. Through this commitment, our Group enhances access to care for all, commits to provides best-in-class healthcare, systematically engages in dialogue with stakeholders and strives to protect the planet to improve health.

Monday, december 4, 2023
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  • Brigitte Cachon
  • Director of Communication, Brand & CSR
  • +33 (0)1 87 86 22 11
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